Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Chile's Black Pride Organization

"We stand up and tell the whole world that those of us who descend from slavery have looked for a gathering concept called Oro Negro, which allows us to live our way, making a song out of each letter, a joy out of pain, a dance out of each noise, a friendship out of each smile, and transforming our hands in lots of hands willing to help".
 Sonia Salgado
 President of Oro Negro-Chilean Foundation

"Oro Negro” (Black gold) is the first Afrodescendants Foundation in Chile. Its operational center is located in the city of Arica, basically because this city has the largest concentration of African descendanst in the country. “Oro Negro”carries out cultural courses and workshops (music, dances, arts, sports, etc...) and counts on a team of professionals in charge who work to solve social problems of Chile's African descendants.

Sonia Salgado, the foundation's president, says that Oro Negros objectives include the political and social recognition of Afro-Chileans, and the rescue and promotion of their cultural roots, as well as helping them participate in society's diverse areas. According to Sonia, Chile's African descendants have learned how to face racial discrimination with wisdom.


  1. I've seen a lot of videos of Afro-Chileans dancing on youtube. They really love & honor their African ancestry. It's ironic that most Afro-Chileans have very little "distinguishable" African features but they have more African pride that other factions of the African Diaspora.

    1. Thanks for the youtube link. I may add it to by blog after I review it. In regards to Afro-Chileans not having the distinguishable African features, that, as you know is the result of centuries of interracial marriages.


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